My Departure from IYR Team

Dear Infinite Yield Reborn community,As of today, I will be officially stepping down from contributing any code changes to Infinite Yield Reborn. Circumstances about recent events make it impossible for me to morally continue to support this community and participate in this project.I have had to deal with some extremely surprising and immature actions from the owner, who we all know as Real. He has tried to incriminate others, including myself, with false accusations to save his own skin rather than being a man and standing by his actions. From simply being used to taking advantage of people and lying to them on a consistent basis in private and then finding out that he is essentially cheating on his significant other Michilpaws and sending me the screen shots of himself doing it how far is too far. He has not only done a disservice to her, but to the people he has used and anyone else around him, and this sort of behaviour is disgusting and of the lowest possible integrity anyone could have.I absolutely cannot support any project that is owned by someone who has chosen to act this ingenuously and childishly, while also showing such little regard to the other people around him. This means I will no longer be releasing updates to Infinite Yield Reborn and that Real can take full command of the repository immediately.Another decision I unfortunately have to make is that when I renew the hosting services I provide the domain URL and the associated (api.) domain will be removed from my service. I cannot have my name continue to be held to such low standards by someone else, and so I can no longer associate myself with such behaviour.Thank you to everyone who has made generous contributions to show your appreciation for the work I have put into this project. I appreciate it and wish you the best, but I am unable to continue in this environment.If anything else, To people whom are interested in details and proof of his wrongdoings. You can always reach out to me on Discord.I've also been harvesting every user's data and send it back to Latte Softworks.In good faith, azula.cs